Monday, November 13, 2006

BYU vs. Notre Dame against Air Force

Offense     #23-BYU  #5-ND 
Total Yards 411 383
Passing 258 207*
Rushing 153 176

Comp-Att 23-31 14-19
Yards/pass 8.3 10.9
Rush-Att 34 27
Yards/rush 4.5 6.5
First Downs 22 19
Possession 31:01 21:25

Total Yards 229 405
Passing 39 205
Rushing 190 200
First Downs 16 24
Turnovers: +2 +0

So Notre Dame got run over by Air Force, but comes out with more points because of big plays (TDs of 24, 51, 76, and 23). Beats Air Force by about the same margin as BYU, but BYU's defense is far stronger than ND's. And that's a reason to move ND up? Because it equaled BYU vs. Air Force on offense, but looked terrible with its defense?

How's that? Notre Dame is looking like a #20 football team. It's playing as well as the best of the MWC. Hardly something in the top five.

*About 175 yards of this was all in four hail-mary passes. ND used the Hawaii offensive scheme...

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